How to display the widget flags horizontally?

How to display the widget flags horizontally?

The appearance of your site is controlled by CSS rules placed in the file style.css in your theme directory. The appearance of the language switcher is controlled by the classes “lang-item” for all languages and “current-lang-item” for the current language.
So you can add the following lines in style.css
123.lang-item {  display: inline;}
The topic was also discussed on the support forum: Flags vs. Text Links in widget

The title attribute displays the html code of the flag

The title attribute displays the html code of the flag

Polylang intentionally keeps the title attribute empty for the language switcher. As this field is empty some themes copy the navigation label in this attribute. It’s a bad practice as it doesn’t add any useful information and the title can contains only text whereas the navigation label can include images.
Of course, the default WordPress Twenty themes haven’t such issue. Please ask to your theme support how to solve this. A quick fix is to remove the flags in the language switcher options.

My flags are not displayed on mobile devices

My flags are not displayed on mobile devices

Some themes don’t use the orignal menu walker provided by WordPress but a custom menu walker to display navigation menus. It is quite frequent that theme developpers forget that plugins can add images in menu items and thus create custom walkers which do not interpret the html code used by Polylang to display flags.
A quick fix is to replace the flags by the language names in the language switcher options. After that, please ask to your theme support how to solve this.

I can’t update the plugin

I can’t update the plugin

If your license key is not activated on your website, you will see that the update is available but you won’t be able to update the plugin. You may receive an error message such as:
Update Failed: Download failed. Unauthorized
Check that your license is still valid and that it is associated to the correct website. You can do that in your account > License keys > Manage sites.
Note that if you activated the licence key on a development site and moved it later to the production site, our server is not informed of the move and thus, although the license key may appear to be valid in your dashboard, it is still activated on your development site. You can avoid this issue by deactivating the license key on the development site, and then activating it on the production site.

I can’t add media when editing a post

I can’t add media when editing a post

Case 1: You activated the languages and translations for the media.
When editing a post, only the media in the same language as the post you are editing are visible in the media library. You must translate your media in the post’s language.
Case 2: You deactivated the languages and translations for the media.
If you previously uploaded media while the language and translation for media was active, they will keep their language and won’t be visible in other languages.
Thus, as explained in the media documentation, it is not recommended to change the media setting once you started to work with media.

I activated Polylang and my posts, my categories are not displayed anymore

I activated Polylang and my posts, my categories are not displayed anymore

When installing Polylang or Polylang Pro using the Setup Wizard, you should have been requested to select one or more languages  and assigned one of these languages to your content (see screenshots below). If you skipped this step, then no language was assigned to your existing content causing some unwanted behaviors such as posts or categories appearing to have disappeared.

If your posts / pages / categories and post tags are without a language they will not pass the language filter and won’t be displayed on the front-end, therefore you MUST define a language.
How can I solve this?

You can run the Wizard from the Languages menu => Setup sub-menu or by clicking on the button which may still be visible on most admin pages.  See our documentation Setup Wizard.
Or assign a language to your content post installation by clicking on the link “You can set them all to the default language” as shown in the gif below. If your current content is in English for example, choose English as default language and by clicking on the link available in your languages page, English will be assigned to all your existing content.

The content is displayed in only one language on backend

The content is displayed in only one language on backend

Polylang introduces a new menu in the admin bar on top of the admin screen. You can choose to filter the content by language or display all languages. This filter is persistent (kept when you logout). It has no influence on the language of the user admin interface, which can be chosen in the user profile.

How to translate the themes and plugins hardcoded strings?

How to translate the themes and plugins hardcoded strings?

This entry refers to strings which are written in the code of your plugin or theme. For strings entered in the theme or plugins options, you must use the Strings translations table.
Themes and plugins translations are handled in .po files ( human readable ) and .mo files ( machine readable ).
If your theme is correctly internationalized ( translation ready ), you can use Poedit or a plugin such as Loco translate to do the translation.
Plugins and themes available on can be translated online with Translating WordPress.
Ressources for developpers:
Theme internationalization
Theme localization
Child themes internationalization
How to Internationalize Your Plugin