Duplicating content across post translations

Duplicating content across post translations

Create some content
Activate the ‘Duplicate content’ feature
The resulting duplicated content

We are going to walk through the ‘Duplicate content’ feature available in Polylang Pro.
This feature duplicates the title, the content (text, media, gallery) and the excerpt. The example shown below is for Posts but the duplication works the same way for pages and custom post types.
Note: other types of content (taxonomies, featured image, custom fields, page order and template…) are automatically copied whether this option is activated or not.
1. Create some content
Let’s say that you have created a post ‘Paris’ with some media (here a gallery).

2. Activate the ‘Duplicate content’ option
Activate the duplication feature by clicking on the  icon in the Languages metabox. The icon will turn to blue (depending on your admin theme). This choice is persistent, meaning that the content duplication is now activated for all posts of this post type. You can de-activate the feature by clicking on the same icon again.

Click on the  icon to generate the English post translation.
3. The resulting duplicated content
As you can see below, Polylang has automatically copied all the content from the French post  into the English post translation. You can choose to modify or not this content.

The title, the text of the post content and the excerpt are duplicated. Regarding the media included in the post content, Polylang brings the translations from the Media Library. If these translations don’t exist yet, they are automatically created during the duplication operation. The same for the taxonomy terms. You still have to translate the media titles, captions and alternative texts if needed.

If you don’t need to translate all your media, we recommend that you deactivate the ‘Automatically create all translations at upload’ option to create the media translations only when needed, using the ‘Duplicate content’ feature.

Synchronized posts

Synchronized posts

This feature, available only in Polylang Pro, allows you to have a post (or page) appear the same in several languages and to propagate a modification across the translations. This is especially useful for multiregional websites. Everything is synchronized (title, content, taxonomy terms, custom fields…) whatever the choices made in the Polylang synchronization settings.
You can activate the synchronization by clicking on the  icon in the Languages metabox. The icon will turn to blue (depending on your admin theme). This choice means that the post synchronization is now activated for a specific post and a specific set of languages. Saving the post propagates your modifications across the “translations”. The post in the other language is automatically created if it does not exist yet.
In the picture below, the English (UK) and English (US) posts are synchronized, while the French post is independently translated. You can deactivate the synchronization by clicking on the same icon again.

The feature is compatible with translated taxonomies. It means that two synchronized posts could display different taxonomy terms if these terms are translations of each other. The feature is also compatible with the automatically translated gallery shortcode and with ACF Pro fields which are automatically translated (image, file, post object, gallery and relationship fields).
Let’s illustrate what happens with taxonomies and galleries. We have intentionally translated ❹ categories with different names in English (US) and in English (UK). We have also previously uploaded and translated ❷ two pictures, giving them different captions in English (US) and in English (UK). However, we want to keep the ❸ text the same between the two posts in English. The post’s synchronization is activated for ❶ English (US) and English (UK).

As you can see below, the English (US) post contains the same title and text as the English (UK) post. ❺ The gallery has been synchronized too. But since we chose to use different captions, the post displays English (US) captions instead of original English (UK) captions. Note that if you did not previously translated your media, Polylang will create them for you.
Polylang chose to use ❻ the categories in English (US). These categories must have been previously created as translations of the corresponding English (UK) categories. We chose a different name for the example, but you can of course use the same name and same slug for the translated categories.

Duplicating content in bulk

Duplicating content in bulk

Bulk translate posts with translated taxonomies
Bulk translate posts with untranslated taxonomies
Bulk translate products

We are going to walk through the bulk translate feature available in Polylang Pro. This tool gives you the possibility to copy ❶ or synchronize ❷ posts in bulk into other languages as shown below:

❶ The option “Copy originals to selected languages” allows to create translations in bulk into other languages. It copies all the post content such as the title, the content (text, media, gallery) and the excerpt into the selected languages.
❷ The option “Synchronize originals with selected languages” allows to synchronize in bulk the original posts into other languages. It means that the content of new translations will be synchronized to the original content. Indeed the translations as well as the original posts will have the  icon activated in the Languages metabox as explained in the synchronized posts documentation.
This tool works with posts, pages, media (except for the synchronization option) and custom post types such as WooCommerce products. As a reminder you need Polylang for WooCommerce to handle your products.
1. Bulk translate posts with translated taxonomies
The example shown below is for posts but the bulk translation tool works the same way for pages, media (except for the synchronization option), and custom post types such as products.
Let’s say that you decide to translate an English post in French. My English post has a translated category named “Food” and its French translation is named “Restaurants” as shown below:

Now to translate this English post in another language, you need to follow the steps below:
❶ select the checkbox corresponding to the post,
❷ then select the « Bulk translate » action, it will open the Bulk Translate metabox,
❸ then choose the language you want to translate to,
❹ select « Copy originals to selected languages » or « Synchronize originals with selected languages »,
❺ then hit the « submit » button.

After hitting the submit button, a success message is displayed ❻ and you obtain a new French translated post ❼ with the French corresponding category ❽ as shown here :

Note that if you select « Synchronize originals with selected languages » the synchronization will be activated for your new translation as explained in the “Synchronized posts” documentation.
2. Bulk translate posts with untranslated taxonomies
In the following example, you will see that if the translations of the categories don’t exist yet, Polylang creates them automatically on the fly. It works the same way with custom taxonomies such as WooCommerce product categories.
Let’s say that you decide to translate another English post with an untranslated taxonomy as shown below :

To translate this post in another language you need to proceed as explained in the previous example. After bulk translating your post, you will obtain a new French translated post with a new French category. Indeed Polylang has created the “News” French translated category on the fly as shown below. Note that it’s up to you to manually translate the title of this just created category.

The behavior described above is the same for the media, if the translation doesn’t exist, Polylang creates it automatically.
3. Bulk translate products
If you use Polylang for WooCommerce in addition to Polylang Pro, you will also be able to duplicate in bulk your products as here:

Note that if your products categories and your terms are not yet translated, Poylang also duplicates them automatically into the other languages.

How to renew a license key?

How to renew a license key?

You will receive an email about one month before the license key expires. Clicking on the link provided in this email directs you to the checkout page with pre-filled information for the renewal.
It is also possible to renew from you Account page > license keys tab. Click on “Extend license” and you will be redirected to the checkout page with pre-filled information for the renewal.

NB: If you purchased the Polylang Business Pack, you received 3 license keys, one for Polylang Pro, one for Polylang for WooCommerce and one for the Polylang Business Pack. Only the license of the Polylang Business Pack must be renewed (the other two will be automatically renewed at the same time). This will allow you to continue to take profit of the discount associated to the bundle.

How to upgrade a license key?

How to upgrade a license key?

Go to your Account page > License keys tab then click on the “View Upgrades” link next to your license key.
How will my upgrade price be calculated?
When upgrading your license you will pay the difference between the cost of your current license and the license you are upgrading to.
Case 1: Upgrade a Polylang Pro license to 3 or 5 or 25 sites.
In the following example we want to upgrade a Polylang Pro license 1 site at 99 € to a Polylang Pro license 3 sites at 198 €:
* the upgrade price will be: 198 € – 99 € = 99 € ex VAT
Case 2: Upgrade a Polylang Pro license to a Polylang Business Pack license.
Here we want to upgrade a upgrade a Polylang Pro license 1 site at 99 € to a Polylang Business Pack license 1 sites at 139 €:
* the upgrade price will be: 139 € – 99 € = 40 € ex VAT
Case 3: Upgrade a Polylang Business Pack license to 3 or 5 or 25 sites.
Here we want to upgrade a Polylang Business Pack license 1 site at 139 € to a 3 sites at 269 €
* the upgrade price will be: 269 € – 139 € = 130 € ex VAT
Note that the Polylang Business Pack is the package containing Polylang Pro and Polylang for WooCommerce. Since they are included in a package, you can not renew or upgrade your Polylang Pro and Polylang for WooCommerce license keys separately. You can only renew or upgrade the complete package.
Should I renew first before upgrading?
Upgrading a license key doesn’t extend its expiration time. Upgrades and renewals are completely disconnected and the order in which you do things is important. It’s indeed cheaper to renew first and upgrade after.
In the case you renew first your Polylang Pro license 1 site and upgrade to 3 sites, the cost will be 49,50 € (renewal cost of a license 1 site) + 99 € (difference cost between 1 site to 3 sites) = 148,50 € ex VAT
In the case you upgrade first your Polylang Pro license 1 site to 3 sites and renew it, the cost will be 99 € (difference cost between 1 site to 3 sites) + 99 € (renewal cost of a license 3 sites) = 198 € ex VAT

How to use different designs for different languages?

How to use different designs for different languages?

For language dependent CSS rules, you can use the :lang CSS selector.
Languages written from right to left use the rtl.css stylesheet already included in most themes.
It’s also possible to apply a different stylesheet for each language. Indeed, stylesheets named liked en_US.css, fr_FR.css or ar.css put in your theme directory will be automatically loaded by WordPress.
Note that in every cases, you have to keep the main style.css file.

How to unlink translations?

How to unlink translations?

To unlink translations, edit a post and delete the title of the post that you want to unlink in Languages metabox. The pen icon will turn to a plus sign.

My flags are misaligned in the Twenty Eleven menu

My flags are misaligned in the Twenty Eleven menu

If you are using the flags provided with Polylang, just add the following css rule to the style.css file:
123#access img {    display: inline;}
It is much better to create a child theme to avoid loosing your modification when updating the theme.