IMPORTANT: when using one or more of these function, you *must* check for its existence before using it, otherwise your site will badly break with a fatal error at next Polylang update (as WordPress deletes the plugin when updating it).
Displays a language switcher.
1pll_the_languages( $args );
$args is an optional array parameter. Options are:
『dropdown』 => displays a list if set to 0, a dropdown list if set to 1 (default: 0)
『show_names』 => displays language names if set to 1 (default: 1)
『display_names_as』 => either 『name』 or 『slug』 (default: 『name』)
『show_flags』 => displays flags if set to 1 (default: 0)
『hide_if_empty』 => hides languages with no posts (or pages) if set to 1 (default: 1)
『force_home』 => forces link to homepage if set to 1 (default: 0)
『echo』 => echoes if set to 1, returns a string if set to 0 (default: 1)
『hide_if_no_translation』 => hides the language if no translation exists if set to 1 (default: 0)
『hide_current』=> hides the current language if set to 1 (default: 0)
『post_id』 => if set, displays links to translations of the post (or page) defined by post_id (default: null)
『raw』 => use this to create your own custom language switcher (default:0)
Important: You have to output yourself the ul tags if you don』t use the dropdown option.
- 1,'show_names' => 0 ) ); ?>
1 ) ); ?>
If the options are not enough, you can build your own custom language switcher using the 『raw』 argument:
1$translations = pll_the_languages( array( 'raw' => 1 ) );
The function will return an array of arrays, one array per language with the following entries:
[id] => language id
[slug] => language code used in urls
[name] => language name
[url] => url of the translation
[flag] => url of the flag
[current_lang] => true if this is the current language, false otherwise
[no_translation] => true if there is no available translation, false otherwise
The function is meant to display a language switcher. So it is not availaible on backend. If you need a function to get information about available languages, you should use pll_languages_list() instead.
Returns the current language
1pll_current_language( $value );
『$value』 => (optional) either 『name』 or 『locale』 or 『slug』, defaults to 『slug』
returns either the full name, or the WordPress locale (just as the WordPress core function 『get_locale』 or the slug ( 2-letters code) of the current language.
Returns the default language
1pll_default_language( $value );
『$value』 => (optional) either 『name』 or 『locale』 or 『slug』, defaults to 『slug』
returns either the full name, or the WordPress locale (just as the WordPress core function 『get_locale』 or the slug ( 2-letters code) of the current language.
Returns the post (or page) translation
1pll_get_post( $post_id, $slug );
『$post_id』 => (required) id of the post you want the translation
『$slug』 => (optional) 2-letters code of the language, defaults to current language
returns the id of the translated post or page as integer.
Returns the category (or post tag) translation
1pll_get_term( $term_id, $slug );
『$term_id』 => (required) id of the term you want the translation
『$slug』 => (optional) 2-letters code of the language, defaults to current language
returns the id of the translated term as integer.
Returns the home page url
1pll_home_url( $slug );
『$slug』 => 2-letters code of the language. The parameter is optional and defaults to the current language if the function is called on frontend.
returns the url of the homepage in the requested language, as a string.
Allows plugins to add their own strings in the 「strings translation」 panel. The function must be called on admin side (the functions.php file is OK for themes). It is possible to register empty strings (for example when they come from options) but they won』t appear in the list table.
1pll_register_string( $name, $string, $group, $multiline );
『$name』 => (required) name provided for sorting convenience (ex: 『myplugin』)
『$string』 => (required) the string to translate
『$group』 => (optional) the group in which the string is registered, defaults to 『polylang』
『$multiline』 => (optional) if set to true, the translation text field will be multiline, defaults to false
translates a string previously registered with pll_register_string
1pll__( $string );
The unique parameter is required:
『$string』 => the string to translate
returns the translated string.
Echoes a translated string previously registered with pll_register_string
1pll_e( $string );
The unique parameter is required:
『$string』 => the string to translate
Translates a string previously registered with pll_register_string in a given language. Unlike 『pll__()』 and 『pll_e()』 which allow to get the translation only in the current language (as do the WordPress localization functions 『__()』 and 『_e()』), this function allows to get the translation in any language.
1pll_translate_string( $string, $lang );
『$string』 => the string to translate
『$lang』 => the language code of the desired translation
returns the translated string.
Returns true if Polylang manages languages and translations for this post type, false otherwise
1pll_is_translated_post_type( $post_type );
The unique parameter is required:
『$post_type』 => the post type to check
Returns true if Polylang manages languages and translations for this taxonomy, false otherwise
1pll_is_translated_taxonomy( $tax );
The unique parameter is required:
『$tax』 => the taxonomy to check
Returns the list of languages
1pll_languages_list( $args );
$args is an optional array parameter. Options are:
『hide_empty』 => hides languages with no posts if set to 1 (default: 0)
『fields』 => returns only that field if set. Possible values are 『slug』, 『locale』, 『name』, defaults to 『slug』
gets the language of a post or page (or custom post type post)
1pll_get_post_language( $post_id, $field );
『$post_id』 => (required) id of the post for which you want to get the language
『$field』 => (optional) either 『name』 or 『locale』 or 『slug』, defaults to 『slug』
returns either the full name, or the WordPress locale or the slug ( 2-letters code) of the post.
gets the language of a category or post tag (or custom taxonomy term)
1pll_get_term_language( $term_id, $field );
『$term_id』 => (required) id of the term for which you want to get the language
『$field』 => (optional) either 『name』 or 『locale』 or 『slug』, defaults to 『slug』
returns either the full name, or the WordPress locale or the slug ( 2-letters code) of the term.
Sets the language of a post or page (or custom post type post)
1pll_set_post_language($post_id, $lang);
『$post_id』 => (required) id of the post for which you want to set the language
『$lang』 => (required) language code
Sets the language of a category or post tag (or custom taxonomy term)
1pll_set_term_language( $term_id, $lang );
『$term_id』 => (required) id of the term for which you want to set the language
『$lang』 => (required) language code
Returns an associative array of translations with language code as key and translation post_id as value
1pll_get_post_translations( $post_id );
『$post_id』 => (required) id of the post for which you want to get the translations
Returns an associative array of translations with language code as key and translation term_id as value
1pll_get_term_translations( $term_id );
『$term_id』 => (required) id of the term for which you want to get the translations
Defines which posts are translations of each other
1pll_save_post_translations( $arr );
『$arr』 => (required) associative array of translations with language code as key and post id as value
Defines which terms are translations of each other
1pll_save_term_translations( $arr );
『$arr』 => (required) associative array of translations with language code as key and term id as value
Counts posts in a defined language
1pll_count_posts( $lang, $args );
『$lang』 => (required) language code
『$args』 => (optional) allows to restrict the count to a certain class of post archive. Accepted keys are 『post_type』, 『m,』 『year』, 『monthnum』, 『day』, 『author』, 『author_name』, 『post_format』