What is covered by the support?

What is covered by the support?

Per our general terms and conditions of sale, the support includes the assistance with the installation and use of our plugins. It of course includes the correction of bugs. It does not include the resolution of conflicts with theme or third party plugins. It does not include writing personalized code to fix a problem. It does not include reviewing or fixing personalized code written by the client. No support will be due in the event of a modification of the plugin by the client.

Do I need another license key for staging sites and localhost?

Do I need another license key for staging sites and localhost?

No. You can buy only one license key per public site and use it for localhost and your staging site. Your test site url has however to match:


All urls matching the rules above will not be counted against your limit of sites. If you have any problem, please contact our support.

What is the duration of a license key?

What is the duration of a license key?

A license key is necessary to obtain the automatic updates and to access to the helpdesk support.
A license key is valid for one year as from the date of purchase. It may be renewed after one year at a preferential rate (currently 50% of the new license price). If a key is not renewed prior to its expiration, the plugin will continue to operate but you will no longer have access to automatic updates and helpdesk support.
It is recommended to run the latest version of WordPress, your theme and your plugins.

What can I do if I have a problem with my VAT Number?

What can I do if I have a problem with my VAT Number?

Your company is based in the EU
Why can the VAT validation fail?
Your company is based in France or Monaco

1. Your company is based in the EU
When you purchase one of our products, if you are based in the EU (outside of France or Monaco) you can exclude VAT from the sale price. Thus we are required to check your VAT number and company name which you can fill-in by clicking on the link provided for such purpose.

Our verification tool is the official EU server that you can also access and use yourself at http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/.
2. Why can the VAT validation fail?
The VAT number validation can fail when filling-in a different company name from the one registered in the EU database. This system is very binary and the company name must exactly match the one registered with the European taxation customs.
You can check on the site which company name is attached to your VAT number:

select the state in the field Member State (this is the two letters at the beginning of your VAT number).
Then type all the digits composing your VAT number in the VAT number field
and click on the “Verify” button.

Nota bene: If you do not fill-in the correct company details, your purchase will be considered as made by an individual. In this case the VAT of your country will be applied and charged. European law requires that VAT is collected for European citizens purchasing digital products as individuals since 2015. See European taxation and customs site.
VAT paid cannot be refunded however, if you are a company you may claim it back by contacting your national tax authorities. If you need an invoice including your company name and/or VAT number get in touch with us through our online support.
3. Your company is based in France or Monaco
VAT will be charged. VAT is only deducted for European companies, outside France, who provide us with a VAT number. We are a French company and for transactions between French companies, the VAT is not deducted during the transaction. You must deduct it yourself when you make your VAT return. If your VAT return is done by an accountant, they will deduct any deductible VAT from the invoices you have paid.

Working with WooCommerce Bookings

Working with WooCommerce Bookings

Translating a bookable product

General tab
Translating and synchronizing resources
Availability and Cost tab
Persons tab

Synchronization between the bookings
Emails are sent in the booked product language
Translating WooCommerce Bookings endpoints

The compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings is provided by Polylang for WooCommerce. However, if you want to translate the bookings endpoints, you will have to use Polylang Pro too.
In the following documentation, we will mention the synchronization functionnality several times. As a reminder, “synchronization” means that a modification made to a product impacts all its translations. For example, if you change a bookable product value, such as a checkbox, a selected option, this change will be propagated to the product translations. This works the same way if you add or remove a range of rules in resources, availability, and cost settings.
1. Translating a bookable product
You will need to translate your bookable product in all languages. As a reminder, the products are directly translatable in the WooCommerce interface as shown here:

General tab

Polylang copies and synchronizes the booking duration, calendar display and confirmation preferences settings.

Translating and synchronizing resources

Usually, resources can be translated from their own interface by accessing Bookings > Resources. Note that when creating a new resource translation, all the contents of the existing resource will be copied into this new translation as shown below:

Once the resource translations are complete and when translating a bookable product into another language, Polylang will fill the resource field with the correct translation as below. This is what we call a smart copy. In the example below, it has pre-filled “My Resource – French” which is the translation of the resource “My Resource – English”.

The label is copied and you can modify it. It is not synchronized.
When you create a new bookable product translation, if the resource translation does not exist yet, it is automatically created, by duplicating the original resource..
Example of translated resource automatically created
Let’s say that I have a product available in English and French, the German translation has not been created yet. I decide to create another resource directly in the French product as below:

Now I decide to translate this product in German. The creation of this product in German will automatically generate a translation for this resource in German but also in English as shown here:

And the synchronization function will add this new translation to the English product as here:

If you decide to add, remove, or select another resource from one of your translated products, this change will impact all translations.

Availability and Cost tab

All data on these 2 tabs are copied and synchronized across the translations, even the custom availability range and the additional cost. As explained in the introduction of the documentation, if you modify a value, add or delete a range of rules, the same will apply to other translations.

Persons tab

Data such as minimum and maximum number of people, multiple costs per person, count persons as bookings and activation of person type are copied and synchronized. It’s the same for the base cost and the block cost. As for the resources label, the name and description of the person type are copied only. This allows you to have a different value on the booking form through your translations. If you add or remove a person type, this change will impact the translations.

2. Synchronization between the bookings
With Polylang for WooCommerce, when you book a translated product in one language, it also books this product in all other languages. So when you view a product or its translations, they all appear unavailable. It works the same way with partial bookings.
Let’s say that I have a bookable product available in English and French. This product has 10 places available. 4 places have already been booked in English. Although I try to book 10 more places, there are now only 6 bookable seats in English and French as indicated below:

3. Emails are sent in the booked product language
The language of the booking is expected to be the current language of the visitor when he booked the product. The bookings are assigned to this language as shown below, allowing emails sent to the customer to be in this language.

Like WooCommerce emails, the subject and heading of the WooCommerce Bookings emails are translatable in the Strings Translations table (Languages> Strings translations) under the ‘WooCommerce’ group as here:

If this is the first time you have used the Strings translations panel, we recommend that you read the relevant documentation before you start translating WooCommerce Bookings emails.
4. Translating WooCommerce Bookings endpoints
The translation of the endpoints are handled by Polylang Pro. Their translations is made in the Strings Translations option under the URL slug group as explained there.

What does the customer see?

What does the customer see?

Browsing the website
Most customers will browse the website in only one language and of course everything should be translated.

Let’s imagine however that a customer starts visiting the shop in English, adds a few products to his cart and then switches the language to French.
• If the language is not set from different subdomains or domains, then the cart content will be transported to the new language.
• If the language is set from different subdomains or domains, the cart content will be reset when the customer is switching to a new language. You will need Polylang Pro to allow the transport of the content of the cart across languages while using subdomains or multiple domains.



The sales reports groups all the sales for a product in all the languages. The admin language filter is not used to define the sales per language. It just allows you to choose in what language the product is displayed.

Managing orders

Managing orders

Orders are assigned a language, allowing  emails sent to the customer to be in this language.
Note: the emails are translatable in the Strings translation panel.
The language information is provided, for example, to allow the shop owner to send order notes in the customer’s language. When the admin language filter is not activated and displays ‘Show all languages’, all orders in all languages are visible.

If you are in charge to treat the Spanish orders, activate the admin language filter with ‘Spanish’. You will see only the orders in Spanish and the language column won’t be displayed anymore.
When editing an order, the language is visible in a metabox which allows you to send your order notes in the customer’s language.

1 – Installation

1 – Installation

First installation
To install Polylang, follow the usual steps to install a plugin from the wordpress.org repository.
To install Polylang Pro,

Download polylang-pro.zip by following the link in your purchase receipt or from your account > Downloads tab.
In your WordPress Dashboard, go to the plugins list table and click on “Add New”
Click on “Upload plugin” and select the polylang-pro.zip file you previously downloaded
Activate Polylang Pro

Polylang setup wizard
When you are installing Polylang or Polyang Pro the first time, the setup wizard is automatically started. The goal is to help you get started more easily with Polylang by configuring the main features.
Migrating from Polylang to Polylang Pro
You can’t activate both versions of Polylang at the same time. Activating Polylang Pro will automatically deactivate Polylang. The migration is seamless, because both plugins are sharing the same data.
Removing Polylang after Polylang Pro activation
You can keep both versions on your hard disk, but you may want to save some space and delete Polylang before installing Polylang Pro. Here is how to proceed without loosing your data. If you do not feel comfortable with WordPress administration, it may be safer to make a database backup before proceeding.

Go to the plugins list table and de-activate Polylang
Click on the red delete link and confirm the deletion
Go back to the plugins list table and click on “Add New”
Click on “Upload plugin” and select the polylang-pro.zip file you previously downloaded
Activate Polylang Pro

2 – Setup wizard

2 – Setup wizard

Setup wizard launch
When activating Polylang or Polylang Pro for the first time, the setup wizard is automatically launched with all the necessary steps to configure more easily a multilingual website.
You should have to follow each step one by one until the “Ready!” step at the end of the setup wizard.
Some additionals steps are added when activating Polylang for WooCommerce. For a full walkthrough of these steps, please read through the Polylang for WooCommerce installation documentation.
Note that if you skipped the setup wizard, you can run the setup wizard by going to Languages > Setup or by clicking on the button which should still be visible on all the most admin pages.

Please note that the setup wizard notice will be dismissed automatically when you come into the setup wizard “Ready!” step.
You will have to go through these steps below:


Licenses step
If you have launched the setup wizard from Polylang Pro, a new step is added at the beginning: Licenses step.
We recommend you to fill in your Polylang Pro license key in the corresponding field at this step to ensure you will be able to receive automatic updates.

Languages step
This step is surely one of the most important because without any language defined your multilingual website will not work correctly.
So you should define at least one language, chosen in a list of more than 90 predefined languages.

The first language you add become the default language of your multilingual website.
Before continuing to the next step you can of course add several languages in the list by using the “Add new language” button.

Note: the languages are really created when you click on the “Continue” button.
Media step
If you want to translate the media fields (title, alternative text, description…) you need to keep this option checked, you can read more info about it in our documentation.

Content step
If you are installing and activating Polylang on an existing website, then all the existing contents have no language assigned yet. It is important that each content has a language otherwise your content is not displayed on the front end.
The default language will be assigned to all the existing content by default. However in this step you should be able to select another language that you added before at the languages step.

Homepage step
This step is only displayed when a static homepage has been defined in Settings > Reading. As it is mandatory to translate it in all languages, this step will create new pages linked to your existing homepage in all your languages.
If you are using Polylang, these newly created pages will be empty. With Polylang Pro your existing homepage will be duplicated in your other languages (with the exact same content, title and excerpt, untranslated).

Ready step
Congratulations! You have reached the last step of the setup wizard and you have correctly configured all that is absolutely required to make your multingual website work correctly.
You are now ready to manage and translate your contents in each language you have defined.
However, to get your website ready, there are still two steps you need to perform manually: add menus in each language, and add a language switcher to allow your visitors to select their preferred language. That is why you will find a button to directly access to our documentation from the setup wizard.

You can now quit the setup wizard by simply clicking the “Return to the Dashboard” button.